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teens for sustainability - sdg 5

This blog is part of the "Teens for Sustainability" series by Greek GSP Advocate Chryssanthe Sotiriou and her students. Students from Doukas School's Grades 7, 8, and 9 engaged in a research project on different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG 5 - Gender Equality

By Marianna V.

Gender equality refers to the equal treatment and opportunities for people of all genders. In our society, there have been significant advancements, but there's still work to be done. We can improve it by advocating for equal pay, breaking gender stereotypes, promoting women's empowerment, and encouraging inclusive education and workplaces. It’s about creating a society where everyone has the same rights and opportunities, regardless of their gender. To improve gender equality in Greece, we can start by raising awareness about gender biases and promoting education on gender equality. Encouraging women's empowerment through mentorship programs and providing support for work-life balance can also help the situation. It's important to challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes and ensure equal opportunities in education, employment, and leadership positions. With the help of a big amount of people, I’m sure we can create a more inclusive and equal society.

By Nestor F.

“And I took from him a rib and created him a wife”. This phrase on its own defines misogyny and even gender equality in general for me. It’s a phrase from the bible in which god creates eve from one of Adam's ribs. Though would you be shocked if I told you that the English version was purposefully mistranslated this way so to create the illusion that women are but a fraction of what men are. The original text wrote that God took half of Adam to create eve. This is classic case of misogyny which by definition is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. There are many more examples of this but I won’t write about them right now

This said we can obviously understand how hard life can be for women since as you might know in most parts of the world women are paid less for the same jobs and have less privileges and opportunities. Because of this many women end up having to sell their bodies (though this can make many millionaires which isn’t all that bad) or get married to a wealthy man even if they don’t want to so to be able to lead a good life. Finally, though to keep this short text neutral to men and women I have to mention the fact that 26% ( by the way some sources say it’s actually higher) of women stay at home even if they are not mothers( unlike men that are only 7% most of which work from home), which obviously indicates that a relatively high percentage of women prefers getting married to someone wealthy when young rather than working and making a fortune on their own by working. Keep in mind I did not say all women do but I just believe it should be mentioned. To summarize, gender equality is one of the most important global goals in my opinion since it obviously affects around 50% of the population and it should be resolved by 2030 at most. I hope I managed to at least teach you a few things and put into perspective how the world has been made into almost subconsciously believing women are not as good as men as well as mentioning how hard life can be for women and what they must do to just get by.

By Christina G.

Short story – Gender equality

In a small town  between rolling hills, there lived two children, Alex and Sam. Despite their differences in appearance and interests, they shared an unbreakable bond of friendship. However, the townsfolk often whispered about how Alex should play with trucks and Sam with dolls, adhering to traditional gender norms.

One sunny day, as they played in the park, they stumbled upon a broken bridge blocking their path. Determined to cross, they exchanged ideas together. Alex suggested building a makeshift bridge with sturdy branches, while Sam proposed using their toys to create a pulley system. Working side by side, they combined their strengths and ideas, repairing the bridge in no time.

Their accomplishment didn't go unnoticed. The townsfolk marveled at how effortlessly Alex and Sam worked together, regardless of their gender. Inspired by their teamwork, the townspeople began to challenge outdated gender stereotypes. Parents encouraged their children to pursue their passions, regardless of whether they were considered "boyish" or "girlish."

As the days passed, the town blossomed into a place where everyone was free to be themselves. Alex and Sam's friendship became a symbol of gender equality, reminding everyone that true strength lies in unity and acceptance. And so, in that little town, the bridge they rebuilt wasn't just made of wood and rope—it was built on the foundation of equality and friendship.

By Thodoris A.

 Are the genders actually equal?

This question has been in the thoughts of many, especially nowadays. With the rise of many gender equality movements, I am here to answer this question.

Starting off, I want to clarify which gender has been mistreated for the most time, and that is of course, the female gender. So now, with that cleared up I will present to you some examples of females getting treated differently, worse, just because of their gender. For example, women around the globe, still get paid less than men for the same jobs, another example is that less than 15% of private land is owned by women, that suggests that many people are probably unwilling to sell their land to women, or that women have a harder time getting to the point of purchasing land. Additionally, around 750 million girls get married before they are adults and females have access to less education and opportunities in their career. What can be done to change that though?

Well, some of my ideas include the creation of laws that benefit women, such as a minor cost reduction of women’s education, so that more young girls can afford education a little bit easier, and by extent the number of women in the workforce will increase. I will also say that the protection of young girls, with laws, is needed so that there won’t be as many marriages where the girl hasn’t even become an adult, yet is forced to marry someone possibly for money or the pressure of their parents about having kids.

Finally, I want to say that in order for women to get paid equally as men, there should be some laws, that actually matter and people that are reported to break them are closely monitored, at least in the European Union, that state that it is illegal for someone to pay a woman less than a man based solely on their gender.

I want to end this article by reminding everyone that gender equality is a really important issue that has continued to exist for many years, but we can all help to make the gap between the privileges of men and women a little bit smaller, and eventually, maybe nonexistent.

By Costas D.

Women are the mind,

Men are the body,

If your soul is wide,

Nothing is too shady.


For every man, a woman stands,

Not behind but hands in hands.

By Evelina P.

Gender equality is a human right among others (goals in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda) which still concerns our society.

Firstly, gender equality includes the right to live free from violence and discrimination. Globally, millions of girls and women face violence in their everyday life not only physical but psychological too.

Secondly, it is related to equal chances in learning and access to all kinds of education. Sadly, nowadays, girls continue to face problems by not being able to go to school, because they usually get married very young and stay home to do chores or raise their children.

Moreover, another gender equality issue is that of the right of voting. Again, in some countries, girls are excluded from this right. This happens because men think that they’re superior and women are afraid to stand up for their rights.

In order to make that goal happen, we should start to empower all women so they can speak for themselves. Especially, when women are experiencing violence, we can offer them our support and help them speak with the appropriate professionals.

By Alexandra K.

Gender inequality is a huge problem which the United Nations is dealing with it. But we all advocate for the rights of women and empowering girls. Gender equality is when everyone has the same opportunities, rights and privileges. It is when everyone is treated with respect no matter what.

 Women should have the same rights as men. As we know, only 13% of private land is owned by women and more than 750 million girls get married before they are adults. Women still earn less money than men in the same jobs and have less access to education. For example, men have more chances to get to a good university and achieve getting their dream jobs and earn more money. As I said, many girls still can't do what the feel and what they want, and men order them, and they simply must obey.

Gender equality is a huge priority for the UN. It provides a peaceful and sustainable world. Despite the massive progress that has been made, girls are still at a disadvantage. All of us should try our best. Each government could change some laws and create new policies that would be fair to women. Humans need to understand that we are different but also equal and to respect each other. Also, it is very important to inform students and start from young ages because when the children are little, they accept more easily what they are told. So, when they are going to grow up knowing what's wrong and what's right.

 To sum up, thousands of women have achieved great things, and all women need respect. There's no point in dividing people by their gender and judging them by that. We all must put effort into stopping this unfair separation.

By Marios K.

Gender inequality is a complex issue that affects our society. It is important to recognize that there are still disparities in areas like pay, challenge, stereotypes and advocate for equal rights and opportunities for everyone. Together we can create a more inclusive and equitable society.


By Dionysia K.

I think the two genders are equal in every way. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same beliefs. A couple of days ago I got the chance to watch a presentation about equality. In the presentation between other topics, they also talked about gender equality and how in Greece men and women aren’t addressed as equals. They first showed the unemployment rates between the two genders. The results were unfortunate but not shocking, there was a higher rate of unemployed women. That was all they said in the presentation, but I would like to carry their point out more. Because sings of sexism can be spotted almost everywhere around us, from society to modern-day music, religion, and workspace.

Starting off, let’s talk a little more about women in workspace. As I said there are many more women that are unemployed than men, but the case doesn’t close there. Firstly, salaries are not given equally between the two genders. Research has shown that women tend to get lower salaries than men working the same job. This could be happening because some offices and factories may be stuck in the past thinking women aren’t as intelligent as men, which is clearly not the case. Also, other researchers have proven that there are less women CEOS or in any position of power which is just sad thinking of the unlimited, amazing things women could do in such a position.

Moving on, I would like to talk about how modern-day music portrays women. We can see all around us that women are often treated like objects or servants and there’s been a huge fight to stop that. Unfortunately, all that effort gets cancelled by modern-day music aka trap music. Most trap song give away the wrong kind of messages. That is that women are only for doing housework or that they are here only to satisfy men’s desires, or they often are not reliable and liars. The problem with that is that young children listen to this type of music and get the wrong ideas. Little boys believe that girls should serve them, and little girls believe that this is the normal thing to do. Of course, we can understand that this is very wrong and that it will make the next generations go downwards on all the progress that has been made for women to be equal.

For my third point let’s take a closer look at society’s part in all this. Personally, I believe that society is mostly to blame for the whole inequality situation. For example, women are often expected to be perfect wearing nice short clothes, always have their hair and nails done and always have the most flawless makeup. That is not bad if you do it for yourself and not for others but, it’s not fair for women with different style to be seen as not attractive because they don’t live up to the beauty standards. On the other hand, men have also some standards to face but they for sure are less and easier to live up to.

For my last point I would like to talk about equality in religion. Luckily, in Christianity the genders are as equal as they could be, but in religions like Muslimism women are treated like lower ones. More specifically, women in east countries should wear a hijab to cover their hair and sometimes their face. Also, when they get married, they belong to their husband and should to anything to make him happy. In other words, they lose their personal life and put their man’s life first. Another thing is that in these countries except for being servants they believe that women’s place is in the house giving birth and raising kids, doing housework and satisfying men. So, they are not allowed by their religion to have a career, to work, not to get married or not to have kids. The saddest part is that Muslimism women believe that this is natural and do nothing to change this and get equal.

Singing off, I want to inform you about how much women fought to get a little more equal as the time chances. Very important progress has been made and women all around the world are willing to fight to get even more equal. But what can we all do to improve the situation? I suggest we all start to recognize that women are the main source of life in this planet, and we all should start paying more respect to them. Starting by completely respecting them we can move on to even greater things as a society.

By Emily K.

It is known that since the beginning of time there has been inequality when it comes to gender, but what can we do to fix it? One of the many reasons of inequality is the belief that women are weaker than men and that they can't do as many things as men can. That is why most women from older generations haven’t experienced work or nearly as many things as the women in the earlier generations. But what a lot of people tend to forget is that they didn’t choose that. Their beliefs and wants were ignored by society for centuries. Although sexism and gender inequality seem to be worse towards women, men have gone through a lot too. A lot of men were forced to keep their emotions to themselves and had to suppress their feelings because they had to seem “strong”. Even though sexism has lessened significantly in the past century it is still a very serious problem, so what can we do to help lessen it even more? Well, one of the things we could do is ensure equal access to education. Most countries have already taken care of this problem, but there are many places that women don’t have the opportunity to go to school and can only stay at home and do housework. In conclusion, there are many ways we can help with this international problem but the most important is to have respect for everyone that surrounds us. No matter what gender, sexuality or race they are.

By Philippos M.

Short story

It was a rainy day as the summer of 1950 came to an end and 12-year-old Jane was helping her mother with the housework. Tomorrow was her 1st day of school as girls weren’t allowed to go to school where she came from. That was one of the reasons they moved to America. Her father had stayed behind in order to finish some last things he needed to do.

She was anxious about what people were going to say about her and the fact that she hadn’t gone to school her whole life or even the fact she was a girl. She didn’t know anything about how it was going to be, will it be hard, easy, will she be lonely and so forth. She slept with all that stuff in her head waiting for tomorrow to come.

When she woke up, she got ready and then went off to school. As she got closer, her anxiety just got bigger. She then arrived at the school and afterwards made her way to her class. Because it was the 1st day of school, the children were asked to introduce themselves and what they wanted to be when they got older. Everyone else said and then it was Jane’s turn, when she revealed that she wanted to be a rocket scientist and work towards making a rocket to the moon. When she finished talking, the whole class laughed at her because of the bias that existed at the time, that women couldn’t become scientists and were in some ways inferior to men.

When she grew up, she got to prove all of them wrong, after she finished university and got hired at NASA as a scientist working on the moon landing project. As is known to everybody the project was successful when Neil Armstrong and a few other people stepped foot on the moon for the first time. This story even if made up, is still proof that all genders and races are equal and shouldn’t be treated differently.

By Vasilis T.

Gender equality remains an ongoing global challenge, with inequalities persisting in various ways of life. From unequal pay and limited opportunities in the workforce to gender stereotypes, the journey towards equality is far from over. Despite progress, substantial efforts are still required to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all genders.

To advance gender equality, complex strategies must be adopted. Firstly, investing in education for girls is crucial. By providing equal access to education, we empower girls to pursue their aspirations and contribute meaningfully to society. Moreover, implementing supportive workplace policies, such as pay transparency and flexible work arrangements, can help break down barriers to women's advancement in the workforce. Additionally, legal reforms that protect women's rights and challenge discriminatory practices are crucial steps towards fostering gender equality.

In conclusion, achieving gender equality demands collective action at all levels of society. By challenging gender norms, approving of inclusive policies, and fostering supportive communities, we can create a fairer world for future generations. It is only through collaborative efforts and commitment that we can realize the vision of a society where individuals of all genders have equal rights, opportunities, chances and dignity.

By Elena T.

Gender equality, a human right, remains a global challenge. The main idea is that all humans, regardless of their gender, should have equal rights, opportunities, and treatment in general in every aspect of life. Despite its progress in recent years, there is still much work to be done so that we can have an equitable society. Women and girls around the world still don’t have access to the same opportunities as men.

At its core, gender equality tries to break stereotypes and biases based on gender identity. It concerns economic, social, political and cultural dimensions and mainly affects women. For example, from owning less private land to earning less money for the same job as the other gender or even having less access to education! For these reasons, gender equality is a top priority as a sustainable development goal for the United Nations.

Education plays a very important role in the fight for gender equality. Providing girls and women with equal access to quality education allows them to reach their full potential and participate fully in society. Education helps in many ways. Firstly, it increases economic opportunities but also empowers critical thinking and sharpens the brain. By investing in girls, societies can promote healthier families and communities.

In the workforce, gender inequalities persist despite women’s increased participation. The main barrier they face is the difference in earnings between them and men (also known as wage gaps) They continue to earn 20 percent less than men. Among the women-identified farmers, doctors, caretakers, and leaders across the world, there are many of them who are still seeking access to basic human rights. Furthermore, an even more serious problem in the workforce is the big gap that exists in the promotions received by men in contrast to women and the chances of getting hired for a job.

Lastly, it’s a known fact that in many countries, parents force their children and especially their daughters while being minors to marry a wealthy young man even if there is no love between them. This could be called matchmaking, and parents do this and did it especially in the past, so that they could get rid of their daughters and the financial burden that accompanied them.

In conclusion, gender equality is very important throughout the whole world and that is why we are trying to fight this inequality by discussing it with family members and children, encouraging financial inclusion, supporting businesses owned by women and finally, shopping from companies and businesses that promote gender equality.

By Theodore T.

In the dance of life, we thrive for equality’s grace, Where every soul finds its empowered place. No bounds of gender shall dim our light, For in unity’s embrace, we find our might. With hearts aligned, we break down every wall, in the symphony of voices, we heed the call. Hand in hand, we talk, we walk this path anew, Where freedom and respect are guiding hue.

By Vanessa T.

Short story

Maya lived in the center of a busy city, where the skyscraper meets the horizon. Maya was a young lady with ambitions as big as the sky. But she was stuck inside the inflexible limits of what society expected of her. Opportunities were restricted in her environment according to a person's gender, and Maya felt the weight of inequality pressing down on her.

Gender roles were established in Maya civilization. Women were supposed to succeed in caring positions like teaching and childcare, while men were encouraged to pursue careers in science, technology, and business. This split resulted in an imbalance that limited the potential of many people, including Maya.

Maya overcame the obstacles in her way and would not let them break her. She set out on a mission to investigate the current situation and open the door for gender equality with uncompromising determination.

Maya started out by promoting changes in education. She thought of eliminating gender stereotypes and encouraging people to follow their hobbies regardless of gender required education. Through persistent work and neighborhood projects, Maya was able to create a gender-inclusive curriculum and guarantee equitable access to education for all.

But Maya's struggle continued after that. She understood that obtaining economic empowerment was essential to establishing gender equality. Despite this, she founded programs aimed at supporting female entrepreneurs by giving them access to the tools and guidance they require to succeed in sectors that have historically been controlled by men.

The barriers to inequality started to come down due to Maya's persistent efforts. Her cause was taken up by women as well as men, who realized that cooperation and unity were the only ways to make real progress.

Maya's dream of a world in which gender equality was not an abstract goal but a reality within reach became more and more apparent with each success. Maya's persistence and unbreakable dedication made her a symbol of hope for future generations.

Eventually, Maya's narrative serves as a reminder that gender equality is an essential human right that needs to be fought for and defended by everyone, not something to be taken for granted. If there are people like Maya who are willing to go against the grain and overcome the obstacles, the journey towards gender equality will continue, one step at a time.

By Christopher C.

Gender equality remains an ongoing challenge in our society. Despite strides made, disparities persist across various aspects of life. Women often encounter lower wages and fewer opportunities for leadership roles, while gender-based violence continues to afflict communities.

To address these issues, concerted efforts are imperative. Enacting and enforcing policies to ensure equal pay and opportunities for advancement is crucial. Additionally, education and awareness campaigns play a vital role in challenging harmful stereotypes and biases.

Empowering women and marginalized genders to participate fully in decision-making processes is paramount. By fostering inclusivity and respect, we can create a society where everyone has equal chances to thrive, regardless of gender identity.

Let's unite in our commitment to gender equality. Together, we can build a future where every individual is valued and empowered, irrespective of gender.

By Laoura C.

Gender inequality has been a problem that has existed from the ancient times, with a lot of women around the world still fighting today for their freedom. This is a problem that normally shouldn’t exist taking into consideration our development as human kind in other sectors, like technology. But why is that the case and how can we stop it?

Firstly, it is known that women around the world are derived of the rights that men have which can be political rights, education, freedom and the freedom of opinion and expression. This phenomenon is most common in countries like Qatar, Afghanistan and Benin. Moreover, this problem is reestablished by the fact that more than 750 million girls are forced into marriage before they pass the age of 18, an age where they should focus on other things like studying and living their young years. Furthermore, there is a big gap in the education system between girls and boys with the latter having a significantly higher average than the first and women earning less money than men even though they work the same jobs as them. It is understood that there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of in order for women and girls in the future to live fulfilling lives with the same rights as men.

Following, there are a lot of actions that can be taken to help with gender equality. For starters, countries can take steps to help women feel safer around certain areas. A lot of them have already started by placing button in places like bathrooms that women can use to call help in case of an emergency. The punishments for harassment and abuse could also be raised to fight abuse in relationships and make people more hesitant in committing those crimes in the future. This could help save countless lives whose situation is taken for granted and they can finally find the support that they need. In addition, action must be taken in the workplace to help more women. This could be achieved by raising their pays to the amount that men achieve and open places that usually only males have. That way women will feel more confident in their positions and chances, and they will be able to provide for themselves and not always rely on other people to make ends meet. A change in the payments could be helpful and for the previous reason, as having money can help a woman get away from a dangerous situation and not rely on the abuser. Moreover, another important thing to get closer to gender equality is changes in education. Because of their lower social status girls do not receive as much education as boys in some countries. By having the same education as boys, a lot of doors open up to them and they can get the opportunity to truly flourish. Finally, we can support charities that make their aim to help women in dangerous situations and ensure their well-being.

 In conclusion, gender equality among other things is important for a better future. While it might seem difficult if we follow the suggestions above as well as certain rules like the ones of the sustainable development goals, we can make a change to our lives as well as a lot of other people in need of help.

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