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Global Schools Program, Ban Ki-Moon Foundation, Kids for SDGs, and Learning Planet Institute Hold In-Person ECOSOC Youth Forum Side Event

Written by Nilufar Homidova, Global Schools Communications Intern

On April 17, the Global Schools Program, Ban Ki-Moon Foundation, Kids for SDGs, and Learning Planet Institute collaborated to host an in-person event as part of the ECOSOC Youth Forum, themed "Global Citizenship Salon." Over 90 young individuals from diverse backgrounds and regions around the globe participated, offering an amazing opportunity for valuable insights, experience exchange, network building, and cross-cultural dialogue.

The main objective of the event was to cultivate youth-led initiatives for Global Citizenship and the 2030 agenda through engaging discussions, group activities and networking and was led by Kate Landon, Executive Director of the Ban Ki-Moon Foundation (BKMF),  Edward Stevenette, Education Project Manager of the Learning Planet Institute (LPI) and Amanda Abrom, Director of the Global Schools Program (GSP). The event provided a platform for youth to share their perspective of global citizenship, discuss challenges in their communities to achieve SDGs, and engage with ECOSOC delegates. 

Kate Landon, Edward Stevennette, and Amanda Abrom commenced the event by warmly welcoming attendees and shedding light on the missions of their respective organizations, ways to stay connected and the objectives of the event. Sakshi Shrivastava, the event facilitator from BKMF, led an interactive workshop on Global Citizenship and SDGs, providing participants with the opportunity to express their understanding of these concepts. Additionally, throughout the event, attendees had the chance to select the SDG they are passionate about and enjoy a photo booth experience.

Following an enjoyable reception and networking time, breakout sessions were guided by each of the three organizations. The Learning Planet Institute focused on "Highlighting Youth Leaders," the Global Schools Program on "Intergenerational Knowledge Exchange," and the Ban Ki-Moon Foundation led a "Social Media Activity," providing participants with opportunities to delve into these compelling topics and share insights. Participants had the chance to exchange during the breakout sessions and engage in fruitful discussions on each topic with their peers.

Lastly, Kate Landon delivered closing remarks filled with inspiration, urging youth to sustain their engagement in their communities, uphold their passion for SDGs, and continue fostering connections beyond the ECOSOC Youth Forum. The event empowered young leaders to maximize their experience, fostering connections with like-minded individuals, broadening their perspectives, and acquiring invaluable insights into promoting global citizenship.

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