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250+ educators graduate from the Global Schools Advocates Program

Updated: Feb 28, 2024

Written by Abigail Chifusa, Global Schools Project Officer

On February 17th, the Global Schools Program (GSP) celebrated the hard work, dedication, and passion demonstrated by international educators at the graduation ceremony for 250+ Global Schools Advocates. The Global Schools Advocates Program is a semester-long training program for educators and school leaders working in primary and secondary schools globally that desire to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in school communities. The event marked the outstanding actions undertaken by teachers and school leaders in promoting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within schools and classrooms.

In her congratulatory remarks, the Director of the GSP, Amanda Abrom, acknowledged the magnitude of task undertaken by the Advocates, highlighting the challenges inherent in embedding sustainable education practices. In addition, Kendra-Lee Heney, Project Lead for Education shared her congratulations for all of the Advocates’ accomplishments over the past six months from completing training sessions to leading workshops to implementing impactful initiatives within their schools.

A highlight of the ceremony was a special video message from Professor Jeffrey Sachs, offering his congratulations to the graduating Advocates. Professor Sachs commended their energy and commitment, expressing his excitement for the positive impact they will continue to make in the years to come.

The event also included addresses from key members of the Global Schools Team, including Alexa Rose Pettinari, Nene Onyedi Ibezim, and Raquel Armendariz. Their words of encouragement and gratitude indicated the significance of the Advocates’ achievements and their collective effort in advancing ESD.

At the ceremony, representatives from the 2024 cohort shared their experiences and notable achievements as Advocates. Their stories of change and innovation served as inspiration for all that were present, highlighting the tangible impact of their advocacy efforts. Mentor Advocate representatives also shared words of encouragement, stressing the importance of sustained commitment to the cause. Speeches were given by teachers Irena Biba, Mariam Savadogo, Anthony Bryan De la Rosa Valdiviezo, Hafsa Khan, Rosanna Sparks, and Ousmane Diallo, carrying out their mandates in Albania, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, India, the UK, and Senegal, respectively. 

Subsequently, the traditional reading of graduation names ensued, honoring each Advocate individually for their contributions to the program. As the Advocates embark on the next phase of their journey, their dedication serves as a source of inspiration for a brighter, and more sustainable future. 



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